Shawna Peterson
Palmer's Smash Esports team in the middle of a match.
It’s becoming common for children and adults alike to look to video games to wrap up their day. Wall Street Journal states that over 80% of interviewed Americans state that they play video games nearly daily.
According to an article made a year ago from the same source, a majority of people play video games in an effort to find a connection with people. “About half of U.S. respondents say that playing video games helps them stay connected to other people, and others say making connections is important to them while gaming.” Other sites say that “Video games give you the opportunity to do something new.” [stated by gamequitters.com]
Video games have impacted the world forever, and have gotten to the point where they’re becoming a high school – even a college and university sport. Not only that, but it’s also helped students get scholarships and college money in general. The once club is now classified as Esports, and Palmer’s forensics teacher, Mrs. Peterson is the one hosting it.
Mrs. Peterson, club sponsor, explains what she believes is the reason people continue to play. She agrees that video games definitely give a connection to people- “It forces introverts to become friends, makes people realize they have the same interests and find each other.” She states. “A majority of players also seek video games out for a dopamine boost, or merely just for fun.”
“Video games are important [in moderation]. They can get you paychecks [if you’re lucky enough], and are overall a great way to relax and relieve stress. Even if you find yourself struggling in a game, there’s always something to keep you going.”
What once was considered a childish hobby decades ago is now considered to be one of the most casual sports and/or careers a person can go into in this day and age. Esports is a fine example of this sport. Being one of Palmer’s fall sports, it allows students to play games such as League of Legends, Splatoon, and Smash Bros competitively and against other schools. If you’re interested in such, don’t be afraid to Room 15 in the basement for more information.