Many Students at Palmer High School find it hard to be able to get back on time for lunch. Many students find themselves still far away from school when it should be time to get back. This leads to them rushing back without even getting lunch. The school gives us from 11:04 until 11:39 which only gives us 35 minutes to walk to places a mile away and drive to places more than 3 miles away. By the time we get to our desired place to get lunch, that is at least 12 minutes away which leaves us with 23 minutes to wait in line for food, get our food, eat it, and walk back if you add up all that time you will still be late for class. In the eyes of the school, they do not want to sacrifice the longevity of classes and add the time onto lunch because that is still time, we are not in class learning. But they are already giving up that time to accommodate for the late students. One way we can combat this is by taking 5 minutes off every class and adding it to our lunch. If we were given 55 minutes for lunch, then you subtract the 12 minutes to get to places to eat and another 12 to get back you are left with 31 minutes to order your food sit down talk with friends and eat it. In my eyes and many other students that go to Palmer High School, this would give us just the right amount of time and I can assure that the amount of tardies after lunch would drastically decrease leaving us in class on time and not missing as much curriculum as we would if we stuck to our 35-minute lunches. This would also give more time for teachers to plan for what they are going to teach in class and give them an opportunity to have more time to relax from the high-pressure learning environments they are subjected to for 100 minutes (about 1 and a half hours) 4 times a day.
Lunch For Palmer Students
Justin Long, Staff Editor
January 30, 2024