In a world of technology, protecting your privacy has never been so important. Despite the convenience and opportunities technology gives us knowing how and when your data is being used is essential to being safe online.
Technology has the power to change how we work, shop, communicate and much more. The digital age has introduced an abundance of benefits to our day to day life. For instance access to information: the internet has a multitude of libraries, encyclopedias and more to provide users with an unlimited amount of resources to make learning new things accessible and diverse for everyone. In addition technology has given people the power to create new opportunities for entrepreneurship, to take on a different forms to reach people globally for economic gains. With that being said technology has closed the geographical gaps, allowing us to connect with friends, family, and colleagues worldwide.
In a round about way the digital age has not come without risks. Oversharing is the easiest way to let the wrong people take advantage of you. Oversharing comes in many forms like posting intimate details about your relationships, friendships, family matters, or personal drama. Even something as simple as posting photos or videos of your location can put you in a dangerous situation allowing people who may not be responsible with your information to have access to it. This includes government surveillance. Social media has become a significant source of information for U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies. This largely unregulated use of social media by the government is rife with risks for freedom of speech and more. Also, with large online platforms that often collect vast amounts of user data sold or used for an abundance of reasons.
So how do you protect your online privacy? Review your privacy settings and understand privacy policies. Marketers love to know all about you, and so do hackers. Both can learn a lot from you and your data! Check your privacy settings so you are aware of who’s seeing your posts, and be cautious when posting your location, hometown, birthday, or other personal information. Double-check online information. Just because you read it online, doesn’t mean it’s true. Think before you do anything online.