In a world where now more then ever people opinions matter so much to one another its important to have confidence. Confidence is not an innate, fixed characteristic. It’s an ability that can be acquired and improved over time. Being confident means knowing that you can handle the emotional outcome of whatever you’ll face. Its valuing yourself and feeling worthy, regardless of any imperfections or what others may believe about you.
Self-confidence is your belief in how good you are at something, but it’s not a measure of your actual skill. So why does it matter if you believe in yourself? That’s because you’re more likely to succeed when you believe in your abilities to complete a goal even if you fail. More importantly its what you tell yourself after you’ve reached your outcome, whether the outcome was one that you desired or not how you learn from that experience means everything. But it’s not always easy to be confident in yourself but a good start is knowing failing isn’t your enemy, it’s fearing failure that truly cripples you. If you set big goals and have big dreams, you’re going to feel overwhelmed. Action gives your words meaning, and it will help you pave a path to accomplishing your goals even if you take small steps to get there. Confidence is walking into a room not needing everyone to notice you, but feeling secure enough in yourself that it doesn’t matter if they do. It’s speaking your mind in a team meeting, sharing ideas without fear of judgment, because you value your own voice. Everyone can learn how to be more confident in different, powerful ways. What may work for some may not work for all, and that’s okay the effort counts!