“College and career” has been a huge influence on students and their future, by suggesting and providing many careers and hands on experience on those careers.
Maria Torres, Palmers’ College and Career counselor, shows how it influences students to make plans for after they graduate from high school.
Torres tracks the paths taken by students after graduation. “A lot of careers that are chosen are medical careers, trade school careers, and military careers.” This shows that many careers students are choosing are hands-on careers.
Torres also mentions that they bring in many guest speakers every month to give students “an understanding on many careers from people that are in the industry themselves and have been through the experience of having that career.”
Many future college students need help to apply for schools. Torres also works in Palmer’s Future Center, which helps students with their resumes, interviews, scholarship applications, financial aid and college internships. Many trade school require internships and a lot high-end schools require scholarships for students to afford the tuitions or even trying to apply for Ivy League schools where the acceptance rate is very low.
These kinds of steps also help many students understand what careers they want to enter after high school. By giving a chance for students to think and experience many careers, many will be able to understand where they need to go after school: if they want to go to college, university, or trade schools or what is needed for them to choose the future they want for themselves.