The mentality of teenagers needs to be taken seriously because it is the state of being a person is in, inside of their minds.
Mental health has such an important impact on life itself. The mentality of a person can dictate their mood, actions, and words. Mental health can range from any point in life. It is how thinking happens as well as a person’s logic and reasoning on things in their life or the world in general.
Teenagers deal with a lot of things day to day. We think about who we want to be, we choose who we are inspired by either people or things, we are building the foundation for our lives at this age. We also encounter our opinions and views of life. We learn about right and wrong and what we want to indulge in. Mental health is the root of the actions a teenager makes.
Now that we have gotten acquainted with mental health and how it can be effective for teenagers. Let us ask some of our Palmer terrors how mental health has affected them in their everyday lives.
Senior, Haley Benavides, 19 years old, has said, “My mental health affects me in school because I cannot focus on my classes. I am focused on my future and worried about what needs to be accomplished next. My mind wonders a lot about what is to take place after school is over. Since this has been my environment for years.”
This proves the point of mental health being the highlight of our lives. It is our thought process, and it can either serve us or we can be served. We control our minds, but our mental health is our experience of life and how we have adapted to the things learned or seen. Our experiences are carried with us and used throughout our mental health. Our minds have a voice through our mental health.
Regarding the effect on mental health, Sophomore Koryann Mathis, 15 years old has said, “I feel like I am in my head a lot because of the pressure of wanting to be the best version of myself so that I can be seen in that light.”
This is another form of mental health teens struggle with. Wanting to be seen as if they have it “all together” at such a young age because everyone is watching. It falls into the common want to be an achieving person with goals and ambition. When in reality this is our starting point. There is no time limit on “having it together.” That is what our whole lives embody.
One last Palmer Terror was asked how mental health has affected him personally. Freshman Derick Pino, 14 years old, has revealed, “I feel the need to be the best in my sport (basketball) because I feel like that will be my ticket to college. That is where most of my focus goes because I feel as though I can get a scholarship.”
This is another example of a teenager that is worried about their future and what is to come instead of enjoying their teenage years. We will not always be teenagers, and real life is around the corner and although this is the set up for our future. Our teenage years should not revolve around stress.
In, conclusion a way that we can solve this is by creating a group or club where teenagers can go to escape the real world and talk about the pressures, they face so it does not build up and stress their mental health to the point it is affecting the way they perform behavior wise.
It could be a guaranteed group that assures teenagers that when they become adults, they do not need to have it all figured out because life is not a simple answer and most places that we feel we will end up we usually don’t, and we evolve to something bigger and better. Examples would even be a good way of assuring teenagers that “this is the point in life where I was stressing but I ended up here and better than I thought.”