Some Palmer students don’t see the point of Black History Month, while others feel very passionate about it. The following people were interviewed; four total people, two people of color and two white people.
These four people were chosen to be interviewed to showcase the difference between them and their answers to questions about Black History Month. In addition, they are of different ages and have different racial backgrounds.
Destiny Johnson had something to say about Black History Month: “I feel like people make jokes about it (Black History Month) and don’t take it seriously. When it took a long time to get to where we are now.”
A white student named Alex had this to say: “There’s no significance to Black History Month to me because my family has no reason to celebrate.”
Gwen Parence is a retired Black Palmer teacher. Her view on Black History Month is, “I don’t think it should be labeled Black History but American history because it is a part of OUR history.”
Also Mr. Waterworth had this to say. As a white teacher at Palmer, he shares, “I think it’s important thing to have people represented, especially people who have been under-represented in the past.”
What do you feel? Do we do justice to the purposes and reasons behind Black History Month?