During the school day in Palmer lots of students usually have a heavy workload on their back; this mostly consists of various pieces of work and homework from all of their eight classes. Many of these students struggle to maintain healthy habits because of this, such as taking breaks or asking for help instead of struggling in silence.
One student said, “I really can’t balance my working life compared to my school life. I either lack doing my work or having fun with my friends which really stresses me out.”
One of the easiest ways to keep working habits healthy is to keep physical appearances healthy as well. Things such as eating healthier foods, working out, and having a better sleeping schedule can keep their body healthy which more likely in return they will see a better outcome for their work without worrying about being too tired to finish work or feeling bad with themselves to the point where they don’t feel the need to work.
“Once I get home I usually just clean myself up and go straight to bed. It gives me more energy especially since I also play sports.” Said Gwyneth Vasquez.
Time management is another big thing for healthy working habits; without managing time students could start overworking themselves and have the feeling that the more time they spend on schoolwork leads them to nothing. This overtime will slowly deteriorate mental health, leading to students not caring about their mental health or their schoolwork depending on how long they go without managing their time without breaks or going out and doing things they like in general.