The sweetest most innocent creatures are being tortured and experimented on as we speak, yet murderers, rapists, kidnappers, and horrible people are being set free into the world to strike again. Animals feel pain, that is a fact, some of them have higher tolerances like the mole, but these animals go through intense pain and suffering for years and in the end, they get killed off. These animals are going through this to test out products that we use. Products that they will never understand the use of, that they will never see again outside of the lab that they will inevitably die in.
Some people out there argue that it is justified because it helps the people. From the research supporting such testing I have read, they say that it has always been a thing and basically that it doesn’t harm the people. Granted it has been a thing to use animals for the dirty work that humans don’t want to do since 500 B.C., but since when are things unchangeable? Racism and slavery were also around for a long time but that doesn’t mean that it’s right. We have always been taught that for every action there is a reaction and I think that if we want these products we as people should be able to test them for ourselves and not these innocent animals that gain nothing but misery from it against their will.
Animal testing takes away over 20 billion dollars from taxes according to government documents. That means over 20 billion dollars on inhumane tests and chemicals. Think of all the things you could do with 20 billion dollars! Killing animals probably wasn’t one of your answers right? Well, it is for laboratories, scientists, and the government. It is also time-consuming. It takes scientists decades to run all of the tests and finally clear chemicals and products.
The tests that take decades are extremely painful and unjust. The animals get injected, force-fed, and drowned in chemicals. They are chained up and tortured and when they are done they don’t get released, they get killed. More than 115 million animals die per year because of the tests that are performed on them. It needs to be stopped; it’s just not right. There is a beautiful Earth made just for the creatures that inhabit it and not only are we polluting the air but now we are killing the creatures of the earth for such superficial things. It is bad enough that humans are killing each other and now we are killing the truly innocent.
Lastly, animal testing is not even accurate enough for me to accept it. Ninety-four percent of drugs that pass animal testing end up failing human trials. Humans are more evolved and different than other creatures but sometimes animals can take more of things. Animals however can not take their entire body being submerged in different chemicals and acids. That brings me to my next reason that the tests are not accurate, scientists are usually looking to see if these products and the ingredients for them are safe to use on humans. Humans typically don’t drink an entire bottle of lotion, or eat an entire bar of soap yet that is the amount being tested on animals.
I think animal testing should be stopped or at least reduced for now. Some other alternatives are using organ donors to test how real humans react to these things. There are things you can do as well! Boycotting companies that animal test would give them no products to produce meaning no animals need to be tested on. One person can’t take down something that has been happening for ages but if we work together we can help this tragic part of life to hopefully stop.