Parents should not punish kids just because of poor grades. There can be various reasons why grades are bad, from not paying attention to not having assignments graded by teachers on time.
Instead of punishing students verbally or physically the best approach would be to pick a certain time to sit down and discuss. Asking what you could do to help improve your child’s grades and asking what happened would be a good way of communicating. This would be a much better approach while also creating a comfortable atmosphere.
Parents that are labeled as “strict” often overreact since some parents compare their younger self to their child. Some parents go as far as to continuously scream at their children, this usually results in children breaking down which can possibly grow into something worse. Progressing into the wrong mindset when it comes to thinking about how smart they are or how they will never be good enough for their parents or guardian.
Students who have high expectations pinned on them by their parents tend to have more stress. When having a test result being passed back to students in these types of situations having a B+ or A- can lead to possible panic attacks depending on how scared that child is of being a disappointment to their Parent or Guardian. Children should never be scared or feel uncomfortable around their parents because of constant reminders of how they need to be the best in class like a competition when it really shouldn’t be.
In conclusion yelling at students or punishing them in hurtful ways could have a big negative impact on your child. Talking to them in a sensitive manner would be best and not affect you and your child’s relationship